Friday, December 13, 2013

Noisy Time

I am not a parent who believes that children should be seen and not heard, that they should not be allowed to make noise or bang pots and pans, slam cabinet doors and run around and be wild. Since mommy works from home and when she is on a conference call especially with the client there are times when little S has to be quiet and he's super great about it we need times where mommy instigates noisy time. I try to walk my talk and live a balanced life to do that means that sometimes we have to get loud to balance out the quiet. It's been random so far but every so often I just look at little S and know we need to get loud and wild. I take out our musical instrument bin.. and start shaking maracas or rice bottles (these are actually some of our sensory bin supplies they just double as noise makers) and dance and singing. It normally takes about half a second before he wants my instruments and I get out another set. We run around the room or just dance in place but the whole time mommy is telling him to " make some noise and let the universe know you are here".

I wish to teach him that there is a time and place to be quiet and a time and place to be heard. I want him to be able to release his inner wild child and not be afraid to make noise and have a good time. I want to teach him that when things have been in a routine for a while sometimes you just need to break out of that and raise a little wild energy to rejuvenate yourself.

We made so much noise we startled the sleeping cats who came to see what the heck was happening but we were so loud and crazy that they were scared and ran to hide upstairs. I didn't mean for us to scare them :( and now since whenever he's taking a nap with me while I work they come and make noise and get loud good thing they don't know how to shake a rice bottle :)

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