Friday, December 13, 2013

ABC matching

I am not even sure little S was born yet when my mom his Omi sent him the abc bag; I know it's been put away most of the time we've had it so he didn't try to eat the pieces. This is a quiet bag it has a separate pocket for each letter and inside the pocket is a soft item that starts with that letter and has it's name embroidered on it.  The labels have proven helpful because I never would have guessed rabbit and not rat when looking at the little animal.

A little history when I had little S I had him by C section and was medicated, I wanted to sing my new baby a lullaby but couldn't think of any. The only songs I knew were the abc's, twinke twinkle, and the bologna jingle from when I was a kid so I sang those to him, I continue to sing those to him every single night. I have his name on the wall above his downstairs changing table and spell his name to him. He has always tried spelling it back.. for a long time he would pat his chest and say er er er er er er er. His name is Spencer and S P E N C ER turned out how I generally said it to him so the part he could remember and say was the last two letters. The alphabet has been a large part of his life from day one and continues to be. When we repainted the family room where he and I spend most of our time I put the alphabet on the wall. They are decals that each have a different picture with the letter and spell the word so we can do site words, alphabet and other things as he get's older. 

I took out our quiet abc book and went through all the letters chosing the ones who's little pillow item matched the picture on the wall. Like I for ice cream or star for S and left in the book the ones that didn't match like our wall has N as nest and the book has it as nail. Since the pictures do not match I didn't want this to be super hard. I held each of the little pillow pieces from the book up to the wall picture said the letter and the name of the item like I ice cream and tapped the pillow to the picture. After showing him a few I asked him where the whale went.. where do the pictures match? He surprised me sticking with this longer than I had thought and matching better than I suspected he would his first time out.

Then he took some time to dump out all the little pillow items from the book and check them all out. Mommy's OCD kicked in and not wanting to lose any I made sure at clean up that they were all back in the right spots. Oddly I couldn't find the frilly pillow that goes in P and I couldn't even remember what the P item was since it didn't match the wall where P is pear. I looked all over for it, I went back through the book checking all the pockets then I frisked my son. I found the little pillow inside his pj top. I smiled and told him it was a very good thing he had kept that one safe because mommy had no idea what letter P item she was looking for and pillows are much softer than either pears or penguins. 

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