Wednesday, November 27, 2013

11.25.13 first snow shovel experiance

Today it snowed about an inch to and inch and a half; which if you live anywhere that snows is just enough to cover your lawn even if it's a little shaggy, and enough to cause accidents because no one remembers how to slow down or start the stopping process more than 2 inches before the line, and enough to make sure you have to shovel the sidewalk.

We have a city ordinance where we live that within 24 hours of the stopping of the snow you must have your sidewalks completely cleared of snow all the way to your door. These are no ordinary sidewalks we have the wide ones so it takes 3 passes with a large shovel or you have to go sideways. If you don't shovel the snow you get a nasty reminder one time from the postal worker assigned to your house and then they rat you out to the city apparently. I have gotten the note once when I was away for a long weekend and it snowed the day I left.

M and I came across a little person snow shovel the other day and I couldn't resist getting it for little S. He loves swiffering, sweeping and raking maybe he'd love shoveling also. As it turns out we got to try out that theory today.

I bundled little S into one of his six snow suits, put on his new snow boots, fought with him three times to leave the dragon hat on which he promptly refused and ripped off his head each of the three times and then realized. Dang mommy is the worst mommy ever - he didn't have mittens or gloves.

We headed out once I was as bundled as I could get and went to get the shovel out of the garage for mommy. I showed him how to shovel and he looked at me like I was nuts. It took exactly three minutes before he handed me his shovel to use and went on an adventure making footprints in the yard. I placed his shovel against one of our large trees that line the street and kept shoveling with mine. When he saw he ran over got his shovel and crying handed it to me so I could use it and it wouldn't just be left there. So since I needed to get us in faster as he had no mittens.. I held his shovel and quickly finished shoveling with mine.
Then despite the cold the child proceeded to run through the snow making as many tracks as possible. (When I say run remember the boy is 18 months he runs but its not knee pumping its fast waddling but MAN that kid can move). he was trying to get to all the parts of the snow that were flat to make Little S prints.. it was stinking adorable. I grabbed him and hauled him back inside and spent the next 5 minutes trying to get his hands warm again.

I did get him gloves the next day.

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