Thursday, October 24, 2013

10.24.13 United Nations Day Inspired Lunch

United Nations day marks the anniversary of the five permanent member of the security council accepting the charter to form the UN. The five members were: France, the Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Since 1948 the event's anniversary has been known as United Nations Day. It is an occasion to highlight and celebrate what can be done when you and I come together to make the world a better and happier place. I want Little S to know that we're all invested in and dependent on each other to form a better future. I want him to know that one person can make a difference, and a group of people can make big changes. We all need to work together to make positive changes for our future.

I was inspired by the logo for UN day and the whole world coming together:

I decided to make the Earth so I drew out my version on a Piece of Paper in permanent marker.

After some thought and head scratching wondering what I could make it out of that he would eat. I decided on Fresh pineapple and dried mango.

I found a circle cookie cutter that happened to be about the same size as the Earth I drew and used that to trim off the edge of the pineapple slice.

Then I began the task of cutting the dried mango into shapes that matched my continents.

I then cored the fresh pineapple with a veggie punch and placed on the dried mango continents.

I'm pretty thankful Little S is small and has no idea what I was trying to have it come out looking like. I think it looked better before I cut out the core but I forgot the before pictures.

I then assembled the rest of his U.N. Day Inspired Lunch:

Main compartment:

Fresh pineapple planet Earth cut using a circle cookie cutter and a start shaped veggie punch. .

Dried Mango continents cut free hand.

Top Right Compartment:

Broccoli Slaw with coleslaw sauce separated in the mini silicone cup. (I chose the flower shape to match the flower I punched out of the center of the Earth - because we are coming together to make the world a happier place)

Bottom Right Compartment:

Chocolate Chip cookie

Chicken Nuggets

1/2 a string cheese

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