Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10.21.13 Reptile Awareness Day

Reptile Awareness Day was created to bring thought to habitat loss, ad threat of extinction that many species of reptiles face. It was designated as a day to learn about different types of reptiles, their natural environments and ecological challenges. Today I made little S a lunch with several types of reptiles represented.

Look away now if you can't handle plastic reptiles.

Main Compartment:

Two open face dinosaur ham and cheese sandwiches cut with different dinosaur cookie cutters - the ham and cheese are just layered differently to give the different dino species different looks. They also have different eyes as the candy eyes used for the top dino was too big for the bottom dino's head so he has a royal icing eye instead.

Top Right Compartment:

Diced plum and apple with a pink plastic gecko - I have a stash of animals, insects, and creepy crawly things for occasions like this.

Bottom Right Compartment:

Diced cucumber in a mini green silicone cup

Peanut Corn Puffs

This compartment was topped with a plastic orange snake these colors were chosen to tie into those of our ham and cheese dino's.


  1. I love this lunch, and I know a little boy who would love it too! Glad to see I'm not the only crazy lady that has plastic creatures stashed for lunch making!
    Thank you for linking up at Fun Food Friday!

    1. Thank you for having me. This lunch was pretty popular with Little S especially because his crazy mommy had toys in it.

  2. My little guy would love this lunch! We love all things reptile, too!
