Thursday, January 2, 2014

Snowing outside Play a game inside

Since it is still snowing I decided we needed a game to keep the kids moving. I layed down an outline of painters tape on the floor and broke out the container of pompoms. I gathered several lengths of cardboard tubes - and got the game going.

You could chose you pompom and your tube.

Items needed:

long tubes - gift wrapping insides
medium tubes - paper towel rolls
short tubes - toilet paper rolls
tiny tubes- Cut one paper towel roll into pieces about half the size of a toilet paper roll.
pompoms - I added a handful of different sizes and colors to a small container

The Game-

Get your pompom down the track, around the u-turn and back over the finish/start line first without touching your pompom with any part of your body or a tube. If your pompom went off the coubirse you needed to get it back to the course where it went out you couldn't move it ahead.

We did this several times while H (age 8) tried to determine which length of tube worked best. Although there was some cheating (blowing your pompom ahead when it went out) and some blocking (so sorry your pompom can't pass me because my body is taking up the whole course) it was a lot of inexpensive fun.

If you didn't have pompoms you could do the same with a piece of paper, wadded up clean toilet paper, or foil.

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