Tuesday, November 5, 2013

11.04.13 National Jellyfish Day inspired lunch

To celebrate National Jellyfish day I made little S a jellyfish inspired lunch (no jellyfish were harmed in the making of this lunch which means mommy wasn't tossing it away). Jellies don't have bones, brains, teeth, blood or fins they use their stinging cells to catch and sting their prey and their stinger arms to guide it to their mouths which are located on their tummy's.

Main Compartment:

Jellyfish- slices of zucchini cut in half form the main body, plain Ramen noodles (no flavor packet used) create the stinger arms, candy eyes were added to make them friendlier.

Top Right Compartment:

Diced zucchini in a green silicone cup - this is the other half of the three slices so that he has closer to a serving of veggies.

Plain Ramen noodles - he enjoys noodles plain and these cook up in less time than it takes to slice an orange and are squiggly like the stinging arms of jellyfish.

Bottom Right Compartment:

Orange - we are all still just getting over colds in our house so I am still pumping him full of Vitamin C - this is a whole small orange cut into slices and cut in half to replicate the shape of the jellyfish bodies and make them easier for little S to eat. (Note- this was one of the most seedy oranges I have ever had and I ended up cutting the seeds out)

Goldfish - this is a Lindt milk chocolate fish we picked up several weeks ago when we were at the outlet. I thought it helped tie the orange to the aquarium-ish theme.


  1. So clever and cute!

    1. Thank you, I follow your blog it is a great inspiration to me.

  2. What a cute idea!! I love those jellyfish, Sarrina!

    1. Thank you so much this one was a lot of fun to figure out.
