Monday, September 30, 2013

Smithsonian Magazine Free Museum Saturday

In the spirit of the Smithsonian Museums, who offer free admission everyday to all of their wonderful exhibits, Museum Day Live! is an annual even hosted by Smithsonian magazine in which participating museums across the country open their doors to anyone presenting a Museum Day ticket for free. A ticket is good for two people and will give you free entry into one of the participating museums, but does exclude parking or special exhibit fees. If a museum reaches capacity, the museum has the right to limit the number of guests until space becomes available.

This was our third year participating in this event and little S's second. We chose to go to the Madison Children's Museum. This museum offers five stories and a roof of child friendly exhibits to explore learn and grow with and is perfect for even a little guy like little S. This children's museum is located across the street from the capitol building and the Dane County Farmer's market which is the largest in the nation and as such we expected there to be a huge line for the Children's Museum. Our first Smithsonian Day, three years ago, we also chose a children's museum to take the big kids too in Portsmouth Virginia when we were still all living in the area and had to wait over an hour in a huge line to get in just before they started regulating how many people were going in. We got there about thirty minutes before they opened bracing for the line.

This was the line we experienced this event:

We were the line! It was hard to believe but apparently Madison children prefer not to get up and go to a museum at 930am on a Saturday? In our house we've as a collective been up nearly four hours by then with mom usually having been up almost seven hours so we're already running full speed and as you can see from the picture looking to have a snack while we try to patiently wait for the rest of the world to wake up. The farmer's market was packed with people but we were the first group to get into the Museum out of maybe a crowd of five families twenty people total. What a difference!

We checked our stroller into the stroller corral under the Lewis Carroll quote - I took this picture as a reminder for one of the sayings I want to include on our walls; however, this can be applied to your car. If you are parking in a parking garage or at a shopping mall in the up coming holiday season,  remember to take a picture of your section and space number or the entrance you came into so you can find your car again in the ever shifting sea of cars.

We took little S into the under 5 section and the kid was clearly unsure of what the expectations were of him. He wanted me to carry him rather than walk along the bridge that was hanging over the room made from dinosaur bones and he was not at all like himself when he went down the slide with M. I decided to lighten him up a little and break with a normal mom philosophy of do the wet things last.. we made a bee line for the glass water house. Little S loves washing his hands, taking a bath or a shower and had the best time at the water park so I knew he would love this area. I put a little smock on him and tried to get him to play with the water. You can see from the picture that he was a little hesitant in the beginning but he started to warm up to the concept when he realized mommy was just standing by if he needed something, he could play all he wanted.

Once little S lightened up we played with musical instruments, a sensory wall, and tried to play with other children. The trouble is that S is super tall for his age and wants to play with kids but can't speak yet so they don't really want to engage a baby which is unfortunate because he is a super soul. We did discover that although his type up until now has been brunettes he apparently just hadn't experienced a ginger yet. I see little red headed girls in my future. He took great pleasure in talking to a small red headed girl about his age, although talking was a stretch he kept touching her face and hair and she was trooper and let him although he's not as gentle as he should be. It was sweet but made my heart ache. I really need to find this kid some other children to play with. 

We explored most of the museum including the media center, cooking area, lego land, arts and crafts area and the roof top green garden. The roof top was spectacular with fall foliage, sunflowers, and breath taking views. Little S is enjoying running around and taking it all in. 

He lasted almost two hours of nonstop running and playing before it he made it clear that  lunch and a nap were in order. We gave him some snacks, took a trip around the farmers market (he napped 85% of the way around before we headed off to a BBQ lunch across town. 

The best way to spend any weekend is with family, in the sun and learning through play but if you can end your outing with an ice cream you've really scored big!

We took a quick detour on the way home and stopped at yet another apple orchard an picked another five pounds of apples.

Build memories and traditions for your kids.. it's what they go to when things are hard. Little S is getting a foundation of museums, apple orchards and love. 

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