Friday, September 20, 2013

9.20.13 National Tradesmen Day

Today is national tradesmen day. A day set aside to honor all those skilled people who without we we would have no buildings, homes, schools, or bathrooms our cars would all be broken on the side of the road and we would be lost without them. Thank you for keeping us moving, keeping the lights on, the water flowing and the computers from becoming boat anchors.

Breakfast is little S's favorite meal and today he's having breakfast for lunch.

Main course:

Hammer: I free hand cut this from a still frozen waffle. When I asked M if he knew what it was I think he humored me because he knew what I was trying for. It's a hammer maybe next time I'll color the handle.. that might help.

Nails: the orange silicone cup is full of sausage nails. I julienned a sausage to give little S some nails to hit with his hammer.

Little S doesn't travel anywhere for lunch so the blue silicone cup is strawberry jam for him to dip his hammer into. You could easily replace this with a leak proof container of syrup.

Wrench Set: three wrenches cut from two slices of Mango

Screws: these require some imagination - these are pear spears that I embellished with food marker to have threads.

Washers: Cheerios in a muffin cup

Thank you to all the people who share their knowledge and skills to keep us going.

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