Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Memories

This is the first Christmas that we have had all three kids together. The last time we had the big kids near this holiday little S was still incubating and although provided presents he wasn't a huge presence yet. I wanted to make sure it was as memorable as possible for all of us.

Dad and daughter sprinkled Reindeer food all over the snow out front. H had made a bag of reindeer food in school to help guide the reindeer. It was oats and red glitter in a bag that H decorated to look like a reindeer.

I and H made some almond joy cookie bars so we could put them out on a plate that night for Santa along with a glass of milk.

We all staked out a place in the living room and because we were switching cars around little S had his car seat inside and chose that as his chair.

Some of little S's gifts included a new 4 in 1 tricycle from his Omi and Opa, a talking bear from his godmother, and a shopping cart from Neil and Nash.

Santa came and left little S a desk/art easel and a discovery kid laptop so that he has a desk right next to mommy's and his very own computer.

I was actually a little surprised that little S wasn't into presents as much as I thought he would be; he really lost interest after the second one. After talking my disappointment over with my wonderful sister it seems that really he just isn't big enough yet to get that presents are things that are for him. He's still happy with knowing Mommy will make sure he has fun and everything he needs.

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