Sunday, May 25, 2014

Easter 2014

This is little S's second Easter and the first time he really has gotten to participate in a egg hunt although his first Easter the bunny did leave some really large eggs and he got to take a bath with them; this year the bunny hid eggs all over the backyard!

Little S's Easter Basket - the basket is a Dragon Pail and could be used as a room trashcan it's that big at any rate we'll use it for tons of things I'm sure. He also received Cotton Tails (white cheese balls),  Orange M&M's, lollipops, a ruber ducky wearing bunny ears, two puzzles, a kite and several books.

M's Easter basket - Jelly beans, Peeps, snicker eggs and chocolate egg candies

My Easter gift - It's complicated for holidays sometimes because I'm Paleo and do not consume sugar or grain... I received a pink bunny from the Easter Bunny and a very nice card from M and little S.

Egg Hunt!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

ready to take your calls

I loaned M my old headset from when I was working on the phones in a call center and Little S confiscated it for a trial run. The funnies thing about it was that he put it on.. grabbed the mute button and looked at us like well send the calls I'm ready. When M and I started laughing.. he grabbed his ear the one with the speaker and said.. "Hi Hi ya doing?" like he was really getting a call and having trouble hearing because of noisy cube neighbors.

we both looked at each other and cracked up.

no bake energy bites for a quick project

Little S and I today took a few minutes and made some no bake energy bites as a quick hands on project in the kitchen.

These little babies are packed with fiber and sticky goodness and as a bonus little S loved them.

In a medium bowl mix together all ingredients then chill 30 minutes.

1 cup oatmeal
2/3 cup coconut
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup flaxseed
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla

Using a small scoop, scoop and roll into balls. Store in the refrigerator in a sealed container up to one week.
 Makes 20-25

Easter Lunches

In a count down to Easter we had a week of spring/Easter themed lunches.

Day 1 - Little S has the stomach flu so he's on a brat diet (Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast) so this lunch is pretty plain to not upset his tummy

The bunnies are rice balls with plain Matzoh ears- They are nibbling on dried apples. He also had teething biscuits and fruit and veggie drops. The side dishes are both early eater munchies so they have added nutrients and are easy to break down and digest.

Day 2 - Little S is a little better - Spring Flower

Waffle flower with sugar free strawberry jam in the center, Strawberry applesauce squeezie, and :Super Why" Alphabits cereal. Super Why is his favorite show and this was the first time he had character recognition on packaging.

Day 3 - Little S is doing loads better back to normal foods Tulips

Mango tulips with Kiwi steams and leaves, diced chicken with ranch for dipping and a few more teething crackers to help settle his tummy some.

Good Friday breakfast we had dinosaur eggs - hard boiled eggs that have cracked shells and the food coloring is added to the cracked hard boiled egg directly before letting it dry and peeling.

Day 4: Bunnies every where lunch

Strawberry bunnies - strawberries cut in half with the other half cut to make the ears (attached with toothpicks) food coloring dotted for the eyes. A hard boiled molded bunny egg, carrot sticks for the bunnies to eat, a 18 rabbit Jr. cranberry and apricot granola bar, diced mango and pear.