Monday, August 5, 2013

An introduction

A Dragon is a legendary creature with a wondrous spirit and mine is no exception.

My son was born during the year of the black water dragon in the Chinese Zodiac calender. The general characteristics of a Dragon Baby are alertness, high energy, and an enthusiasm to learn skills. They may be leaders from an early age while having a compassionate and friendly nature, making them a sociable and easy to integrate into any group. Water Dragon babies in particular will have a great and strong sense of self. During their development they will be able to find solutions easily and effortlessly and may develop a strong sense of will when they feel they are not being heard. So far he has been all of this and more. As a Dragon Mommy it is my privilege to guide, teach, and show him all the ways of the universe while trying to keep him grounded.

I learned a few things growing up that I am sharing with him like how to think outside the box and to be ok with not being normal. Our family motto really boiled down to " Why be normal? it only makes you average" and I plan on teaching him the same thing. I am instilling a love of books because if you can read you are never going to be lost, alone, without a vacation, a friend or an adventure. I taught myself growing up to make a game out of finding a outside the box solution to any situation that still plays within the rules. Life is all about playing within the rules to win the game - in school you play by the teachers rules to get an A; as a grown up you play within your bosses rules to get a raise or within the governments rules to not go to jail. Life for a creative and smart person can get pretty boring unless you challenge yourself to find a Rube Golberg like solution to any problem. (Rube Goldberg happened to be born on the 4th of July... I think we'll be making fireworks machines to celebrate each year.).

Just imagine the possibilities for a high energy, enthusiastic, compassionate and friendly leader who loves to learn... (yes, I am already saving for his college) and who will be able to find out of the box solutions to problems,  isn't afraid to go against normal, and has the charisma and charm to pull it off. I have a big job ahead of me good thing I love a challenge.

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